For most of our events, you can register in advance simply by joining the mailing list for Zoom Links or emailing:
Please tell us which Beccy Owen's Pop-Up Choirs event you would like to book a place for.
Places are subject to availability, and will be allocated on a 'first-to-register' basis, so please don't forget to email us!
When we are in non-Covid times, sometimes we might 'Pop-Up' in smaller venues and sometimes at very short notice. As a result, the best place to keep up-to-date is at our official 'BO-PUC' Facebook page. Please head over there and 'like' the page to get updates that way.
What does it cost?
Most of our events are run on a 'Pay As You Feel' basis, with participants paying a recommended minimum donation of around £5.
This is to cover expenses, any venue costs and to try and provide a fee for Beccy. So, if you're planning on coming along to an event, please be sure to bring a little cash with you if you are able.
Having said that, we don't exclude anyone on the grounds of dosh. There's a yellow bucket at the front of the room and if you can manage to put anything into it, that's great. If not, no problem. So get yourself along, whatever your circumstances.
Sometimes we run our events for free if they are attached to a festival or a wider event where costs can be covered by the organisers.
NB: Sometimes events will have a fundraising element, and we will always be transparent about this so that you know where your money is going to.
What to expect:
A Beccy Owen's Pop-Up Choir event will comprise a singing workshop followed by an optional 'sharing'. The workshop usually involves 3 activities:
1. WARMING UP - we spend the first 10 minutes or so loosening up, have a laugh, begin to focus, get our voices ready to do a bit work, as well as learn a little bit about the voice, how to keep it safe and healthy during the session, as well as the different ways that we can use it both individually and as part of a group.
2. TEACHING-AND-LEARNING session, which takes a very informal-yet-focussed approach to learning a range of songs (ultimately, you get to decide which 'part' you want to sing in terms of what feels good for your vocal range (high, middle or low.) Expert guidance at hand from Beccy, should you need help you decide, and you can even swap and try different parts throughout the workshop. So there's always choice. It's a bit like when you go to yoga and some people are using blocks or choosing a different posture. It's vocal yoga. It's voga!)
3. SING-THROUGH (&OPTIONAL SHARING*), which means we'll have a good recap and sing through of everything we've learned, and after that, we may then choose to have a final sing in front of whoever is around (or whomever you invite!) to hear our new-found sound and newly-learned repertoire.
Notice how we used the word 'sharing' rather than 'performance' because this is about fun and progress and not perfection.
Together we will learn and discover our songs, make our mistakes, support each other and generally having a wonderful time.
Nobody's life ever collapsed because they got the words or the notes to a song wrong. And experience shows that it is helpful to have something to aim towards as we work together.
* We usually film the sharing event in order to create an archive of our time together, and also to take our one-off, new-found sound to a wider (online) context. Full disclosure - this is also to help advocate for future Beccy Owen's Pop-Up Choirs events. Just to re-emphasise, this is an elective part of the event, so if anyone is not comfortable with being filmed, please let the facilitator know and we'll happily work around that.